I always had an awkward time making this type of WT counsel fit into the Bible study arrangement.
When I was conducting Bible studies, I tried to become the person's friend, albeit with limits that I imposed. Although I knew that the point of the study was to help someone become a JW, I never wanted to be too formal and make the study seem like some kind of indoctrination process with an agenda (yeah, I know better now). So I would allow the study to get off topic, maybe hang around a bit after the service visit and chat. A phone call or email here and there. I felt like I was being friendly enough without putting myself in some sort of risky situation. In other words, any interactions beyond the actual study had to be on my terms. Now I realize that it was not friendship; it was selfishness.
I had two studies that enjoyed the sessions and wanted to create real friendships outside of the hour that we spent together each week. One asked me to come over for pizza and movies. Another wanted me to join him and a group of his friends for coffee to just hang out and talk. I was torn. I liked these guys. But they weren't JW enough yet. I also worried that if the study stopped, they might (gasp) still want to be friends on a purely social level. That would be a definite no-no. So, I would make excuses and avoid any recreation time with them. Both studies eventually stopped. They were both smart guys and they probably saw the real truth behind the JW study process before I did.
What makes me feel the worst is that, because of counsel like that found in the article above, I missed out on the chance to have a couple of good friends. When people in the hall would ask why so-and-so wasn't studying anymore, I didn't know what to say. Often, the questioner would say, "Don't worry. You did your part. Jehovah draws those who are deserving." That always made me feel sick to my stomach. They stopped studying because I wasn't being a real friend. They probably thought something weird was going on. I don't blame them one bit. Then to say that maybe they didn't deserve "The Truth..."
I've never conducted another JW study since.